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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jet lagged, but home

I love vacation, but I have this tendency to take vacations that are so busy that I need a vacation when I return! No relaxing spa weeks for me. Though perhaps that's something I should try out one of these days...

I learned on this trip that my attention to personal finance really has changed the way I spend. Normally, on a trip involving the airport, I hit up a store for a magazine or two. This trip, I didn't buy anything but water and food in the airport (yes, I could have brought along all of my food, but it was really more hassle than I was ready to deal with on the way home).

Additionally, I came home with very few souvenirs. Again, in the past, I would have picked up a number of things that caught my eye, but this trip, I was much more choosy. I fell in love with a t-shirt and picked up a great new coffee mug, and also grabbed a gift for a friend, but beyond that, no spending. I entered all of my expenses into YNAB this morning and am quite pleased with how it turned out. I'm going to come in under budget this month!

I'll be catching up for the next few days, I think, but I hope to be back to regular posting soon.

(And on a happy note, I arrived home to find my stimulus check in the mail. Definitely something to brighten the end of vacation!)

1 comment:

DINKS said...

Hooray Stimulus Check! (and vacation)