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Friday, May 23, 2008


I discovered Ebates.com in January of this year and have made a few purchases here and there, picking up things that I planned to buy. Not only do they have coupon codes, but they offer cash back on purchases made when you click through their site. The percentage varies, but it adds up. During the first quarter of 2008, I received over $15 in cash back and another $10 for referrals. I was scheduled to receive my first "Big Fat Check" in the form of a PayPal deposit on May 15th (unfortunately, there is a delay between the end of the quarter and the check's deposit). By 4:00 that afternoon, I had received a notification that I now had an additional $26.02 in my PayPal account. Ebates came through!

So if you haven't already, check it out! I know I'll continue starting my online shopping through their portal. I realize I'm starting to sound like an advertisement, but seriously, it was exciting to suddenly discover that I had an extra $26, especially after saving on the purchases to begin with.

Have a great Friday, and a safe holiday weekend to all those celebrating Memorial Day.

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