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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Festival's up!

The 125th Edition of the Festival of Frugality is up, and my article on Couponing is included. If you don't visit the festivals and carnivals that go through the blogging world every week, you really should, and you should also really consider submitting. It's a great way to find new blogs and to bring new readers to your site as well.

And here are some of the articles that I enjoyed:

  • Frugal or Cheap - Here's a Test - I got 22. I'm happy with that, but I think I could be more frugal... I do love my cable though!
  • When are you a brand name shopper? - If it's a consumable, I'm more willing to try a generic brand, on the theory that if it's not great, I'll just use it up and buy a different brand the next time. Except, like Kyle, with beer. And perhaps a few other things.
  • Why I Like Being Frugal - I really like this idea. Living a simple, grounded life is a good feeling. And it's nice to have that chunk of cash set aside thanks to your frugal ways, so if you decide to take a less than frugal vacation, for example, you can do that. At least in my opinion.
  • Jump Start Your Frugality - Good ideas here. Little things add up!
  • Renters Insurance Basics - It amazes me how many people don't have renter's insurance. Also, for condo owners - do you have extra insurance for your possessions? Don't just rely on the insurance on the building - frequently that's just the building structure, not always even including interior walls.
  • Top 5 Ways to Trim Our Grocery Bills - I am constantly amazed with how much I spend on groceries, and I don't feel like I buy a lot of splurge items. Once I'm back from vacation, I'm going to really try to step up the savings.

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