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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Carnival #152 is up!

This week's Carnival of Personal Finance is hosted by Money Under 30. My post on disaster readiness was featured as an Editor's Pick. Thanks!

Here are some of the posts that caught my eye:
  • The Personal Financier writes on accounting for cash expenses. I sort of do a combination of his first three steps. I have a budget category called "cash," and it is a very small category, and is most often used for drinks out with friends and purchases at the Farmer's Market.
  • Can I Get Rich on a Salary puts together a lot of generalizations about Generation Y's financial habits. It's an interesting read, regardless of whether or not you're in Gen Y.
  • Christian Finances writes about minimalist living. I spent some time this weekend going through my closet and getting rid of a chunk of clothes that either didn't fit or that I never wore. It's silly to hang on to a shirt for the memories.
  • Mighty Bargain Hunter points out the great food selections on Amazon. I think it's no secret that I love Amazon.
  • Feminist Finance writes a great post about marrying into debt. Yet another reminder that you should probably talk exact numbers before getting hitched, just so everyone's got all the facts.
  • Chief Family Officer talks some more about the drugstore game. That reminds me that I need to hit up CVS for a few things.

Check out the post for many many more great links.


Dorian Wales said...

Thanks for the mention. I also got to discover your blog.


Chief Family Officer said...

Thank you so much for the mention!