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Saturday, May 3, 2008

April Net Worth Update (+2.14%)

April was the best month for me financially. My net worth increased 2.14%. Again, the majority of this increase was due to investments continuing to bounce back, but my cash accounts also showed an increase - which tells me that I'm saving more than I'm spending. The YNAB plan is clearly working as it should.

For the year, I'm still below where I started - but by only about half a percent. I'm getting close, and I'm confident that if the markets either stay where they are or continue to rise and I just watch my spending, I'll finally be showing growth for 2008.

I am anticipating May to be a high spending month, however. I'm going on vacation this month and still owe my parents for part of my portion of the trip, and at the end of vacation, I'm jetting off to a friend's wedding, which will mean a hotel bill, and unfortunately, a lot of eating out. I've been planning for it in the budget, so I'm not too worried, but it will be interesting to see if I can still show some positive growth in my net worth anyway.

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