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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Presidents and Prison

Since yesterday was a holiday, I opted not to post and take the day to celebrate the presidents. Or to go running and enjoy the beautiful weather. Either way, that means that today, you get a recap of both the Carnival of Personal Finance and the Festival of Frugality!

This week, The Financial Blogger is hosting the Carnival of Personal Finance, Prison Break Style! My entry about Emotions and Money is included, and following are some of the entries that I enjoyed:

The Festival of Frugality is being hosted by Mighty Bargain Hunter, and in true holiday style, features the U.S. Mint's new dollar coins. My entry on "necessary unnecessaries" is included. Lots of great content here as well, but here are some of my favorites

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hey! Thank you so much for the mention. And if you can, I totally suggest picking up Cook's Illustrated 30-Minute Meal tome. I can't explain how much I love it after receiving it for Christmas. The recipes actually take 30 minutes, which - woot!