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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

December Net Worth Update (+0.91%)

This month, I saw a slight increase in my net worth, though not to the extent that I had hoped. I'm still below where I was in October, but at least the numbers are moving in the right direction.

This month, my net worth increased by 0.91%. Most of this was due to savings, as my investments only bounced back an average of around 0.15%. Honestly, I was hoping for a greater increase, seeing as December is the month in which my mutual funds pay their yearly dividends (which at this point, I continue to reinvest).

My December spending was not as controlled as I had hoped, but part of that is due to the expenses inherent in travel. I had forgotten that I scheduled an eye doctor appointment while I was at my parents' house, so that was another expense, but now it's done for the year. My cats got a chunk of money this month too, what with having to pay for someone to come in and care for them.

Another unplanned, but much needed expense was that this month, I decided to join Weight Watchers. I know that there are many free sites out there dedicated to helping you lose weight (SparkPeople being one of my favorites), but since I moved and started this new job, the scale had been moving in the wrong direction. I decided that I needed to try something new, so I'm giving Weight Watchers a try. I know a lot of people who have succeeded on this plan, and I hope to add my name to that list.

One of my yearly goals for 2008 is to increase my net worth by 20%. Looking at how the numbers have been moving in the past few months, that is a daunting goal, but I think that if I control my spending and make smart choices, I should be able to get there.

Oh, and it's day 1 of my dollar plan. Total so far? $1.

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